Tuesday, February 11, 2020
School Notices
Science Fair and Lip Sync are not until March, but please read Dr. Schoenlank’s letter now about these fun events: Lip Sync Letter 2020.pdf
Circus Week is Coming! All PE classes will participate in circus-related activities the week of February 24-28, and then the Fourth Grade will put on a circus performance on the 28th for parents at 6:30!
Pennies for Pups: We will be collecting pennies to benefit the Seeing-Eye Dog Organization, (as part of our One School/One Book project) and the H.S.A. has generously offered to match it! Please send in your pennies with your children to deposit in the container in the front hall. A Seeing-Eye Dog will be visiting Ridge on Friday, February 21st.
Movie night: is next Friday, February 21st. The movie will be selected this Thursday by the Leadership Club. Bring a blanket and curl up in the gym – a fun time for all! And lots of goodies from the H.S.A.
Health Office:
We are still seeing a lot of the flu, strep throat and a high-fever virus….please keep your child home and see a doctor if they complain of not feeling well.
Also, if your child is going to be ABSENT (for any reason), please email Colleen Manke (cmanke@ridgewood.k12.nj.us) or call the Health Office absence line with a reason – that helps us keep track of illnesses. 201-670-2740x1
5th Grade Parents: Your child will need updated immunizations going into 6th grade. Attached is a list of requirements for you to share with your doctor. You may drop off updated immunization lists in my office prior to June 1st. 6th Grade Immunization 20-21.pdf
LEAVING? If you know that your child(ren) will not be attending Ridge next year (either moving, going private, etc.) please let the office know as soon as possible. Thanks!
HSA Notices
EXCITING GALA PROCEEDS UPDATE!! As a result of the tremendous generosity and support of the Ridge community at the Ridge Winter Wonderland Gala and Auction, we exceeded our goal and raised a remarkable $36,334 in net proceeds. These funds will benefit our children with the purchase of new books for every classroom library and new recess equipment. Thank you for supporting our children and Ridge School. Together we made a difference!
Movie night:
CALLING ALL BAKERS Please consider donating baked goods, popcorn, or candy for movie night on 2/21!
No nuts, individually wrapped goodies and popcorn - 2 dozen per volunteer. Individually wrapped candy is also welcome! Deliver your goodies to the HSA room (directly across from the main office) by 3:15pm on Friday, February 21st. Please click here to sign up. Thank you so much for all of your help!
Ridge Science Fair 2020 SignUp Genius is live! Please click on the link below for details on how you can get involved.
The Science Fair will be on March 5 & 6. On Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 pm we will hold our first-ever Ridge Evening Science Fair. Families are invited to attend this event to view projects and enjoy additional science activities. The Science Fair will remain open during the school day on Friday, March 6 for students to visit with their classes. Science Fair packets were sent home in backpacks last week. If you need an extra copy, they are available on eNews.
Please consider donating baked goods or candy for the science fair on 3/5! Let’s get creative and make these baked goods science-themed tasty treats if you can!
No nuts, individually wrapped goodies - 2 dozen per baking volunteer. Individually wrapped candy is also welcome! Deliver your goodies to the HSA room (directly across from the main office) by 3:15pm on Thursday March 5th.
Please click here to sign up. Thank you so much for all of your help!
Reading Marathon Update: Looking for something to do over the break next week? The Ridgewood librarians will be scooping ice cream and hosting story time on Wed., Feb. 19, from 1-3:00pm at the Ben & Jerry’s in Ridgewood. We hope you’ll join us!
A Few Good Parents: Looking to become more involved in the Ridge Community? Have some great new ideas for our school? Want to spend more time with your children and be more aware of all the great happenings at Ridge? Then please contact Hilary Wallace at wallacenyc@optonline.net to join next year's Ridge Executive Board. This is something your children will be proud of and never forget, and you’ll be surprised at what a rewarding experience this can be. Side benefits include: making new friends, learning new skills, confidence, pride in our community, and setting a fabulous example for your child (children).
Save the Date: Lip Sync Night is Friday, March 20 at 7pm
It's time to start thinking about songs, dances, and making this the best lip sync night ever! For more info, sign up forms, rehearsal dates, and common questions, check out this tip sheet. Ready to sign up: add your info here. Email Kathleen Harris at katheenmharris@gmail.com for any questions.
TICTOC’s 2nd annual Kate Sasso Memorial Art Contest for 5th Graders has officially begun this month!
All submissions should be dropped off to the Ridgewood Library children’s desk between February 21 and February 29 at 5pm.
This "Art Inspired by Nature" contest is a great opportunity for 5th Graders to show their talents and win prizes!
Attached are the Flyer, Contest Rules and Entry Form.
Calling all artists! If you or someone you know is an experienced artist (painter, musician, producer, poet, etc) and interested in growing our kids love of art at Ridge’s Art Day on April 3, please contact Christin Williams at christinlizza@yahoo.com